My name is Ana Pellegrini. I am 23 years old, I was born in Piauí (inland Brazil), but I lived for many years in the city of São Paulo. In my country, it is common for children to be raised by their grandparents, so that the parents can dedicate themselves to work and provide for the family, and with me it was no different. My mother sold women’s clothing, so from a very young age I fell in love with the colors, textures and shapes of lingerie, bikinis, dresses and shirts. It was a party when, at seven or eight, I could be the first to open the bags and see what’s new.

While still at school, in the northeast, I started to undertake. I saved money, doing errands for my grandmother, and on one of those trips Mom took, I went with her and bought my first jewelry, which I sold at school, for the principal, teachers and staff.

I started dating, got married, and spent some time without undertaking, but I never stopped dreaming of a future as a businesswoman… I wanted to have much more than life offered me at that moment.

I wanted to be big, but I didn’t have the exact idea of where I wanted to go and, above all, where I could get.

However, I lived in my little world, I was still a minor and this race after a dream, at that moment, was very restricted. Until I broke up and went to college. I wanted to be a lawyer, despite my whole family encouraging me to study pedagogy, the profession that most of them followed. I did a year of law, but I didn’t identify with the course, and I gave up.

At that moment in my life, my mother had separated and gone to São Paulo, looking for better opportunities. I decided to follow in her footsteps. I worked in a cafe, in a restaurant, in a mall, but I had the ambition, as I said, to be big, to be bigger than what I had envisioned until then.

I decided, alone, to emigrate to the United States. I wanted to meet new people, do something different, conquer new paths, build my destiny, move forward, travel the world, in short, change my life!

Miami is my accomplishment! I feel part of the city, I like the sun, the weather, the smells, the sounds. It’s like I was born here! I identify with the day, with the night, with the people and with the way of life! Without a doubt, being here and feeling at home makes me want to go further and further, overcome all obstacles and conquer all my dreams!

I embraced the opportunities that were offered to me, and one of them was to work on boats, here in Miami Beach, during the pandemic. I participated in all phases of the work, from cleaning to anchoring, going through everything the work involved, and I fell in love, with the place, the climate, the people… always with my style, my original clothes, customizations, accessories, different haircuts, colorful bikinis. Despite being a humble person, I always managed to have my own style.

People started asking me for tips on clothes, makeup, hair, lifestyle and, at the same time, I started posting interesting content on Instagram, about my world: boats, parties on board, care, styles… marking people and companies, promoting the meeting of interested parties in the leasing of boats… until I opened a micro charter company, and became a reference in the area here in Miami.

PELLEGRINI E-COMM concentrates, in one store, everything I have to recommend for you!

Well, that’s my world!
Be welcome!


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